The innovative project that aims to host the future Polo delle Arti within the Cavallerizza Reale in Turin was presented on October 6th, 2023 at the Aula Magna of the Cavallerizza Reale.
The video of the Press Conference is now available, you can find it at this link.
Here some highlights of the presentation:
- minute 21.40 Prof. Francesco Profumo (President of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation and College alumnus) explaining why the College is involved in the project;
- minute 26.30 the Polo delle Arti in the Cavallerizza Reale – the architectural design;
- minute 52.00 the Polo delle Arti and the City;
- minute 1.15.00 the speech of the President of the Collegio, Prof. Paolo Enrico Camurati.
For more information about the project, download the Press Release