
Internet – Optical fiber and Wi-Fi

You can connect your devices wherever you want at Collegio!

All Collegio areas are covered by a broadband Wi-Fi Internet signal.

 The network dedicated to the Collegio’s students is called CUTRE-TPS

To access the network follow these steps:

  1. Get the credentials on the intranet: click here
  2. If your device does not automatically open the login page, open the browser and type www.google.it (or other HTTP site but NOT HTTPS)
  3. Accept the security certificate and/or add exception to get to the login page
  4. Enter your Active Directory credentials [name.surname + password] and start browsing
  5. It is possible to connect multiple devices with the same credential.

If you have difficulty connecting to the Collegio network, you can count on the support of the Section System Assistant.

If you are a citizen and want to use the free services of our Library, you can connect to the Internet through the CUTRE-GUEST network: your personal librarian will provide you with username and password!