Much more than a residence
Collegio Einaudi is much more than a university residence, it is the place to build your future!
Collegio’s offer combines high-level residential halls with personalized training, a rich and stimulating community life and a series of unique opportunities. Collegio is an environment in which to grow up, following the guiding values of merit and the development of potential.
Collegio Einaudi Foundation manages Colleges of Merit: the fundamental criterion for accessing them and staying there during university studies is merit
Community life
Living at Collegio Einaudi means becoming part of a community, learning to compare and contribute to the creation of common well-being
Being part of Collegio Einaudi does not only mean finding a residence, but a place of training, in which developing new skills and achieving excellent results
Living the Einaudi experience means being able to access unique opportunities for growth, comparison and even support

Where you will live
We will welcome you in one of our 5 modern and eco-sustainable university residences, which each year host more than 850 students from all over Italy and the world.

What you will learn
With personalized training path you will discuss current issues, develop your soft skills and enrich your baggage with new and profound experiences
How can you enter Collegio Einaudi?
To enter one of our residence halls and live the Einaudi experience, you must apply in one of our call for admissions!
Find out which category you fall into and submit your application:
How do you enter Collegio Einaudi?
To enter Collegio Einaudi, it is necessary to participate in an admission procedure.
All the information relating to the methods of participation and use of the study place are available in the admission procedure document.
Visit the Admissions, Calls and Awards page of the website to learn more
What opportunities does it offer?
Annual courses of supplementary training tailored to individual needs and interests;
Economic incentives for international mobility, the achievement of language certifications and study stays abroad;
Opportunities for discovery and participation in the schedule of cultural activities in the city of Turin;
Sports activities in agreement with the CUS Torino (with an 80% discount);
Free counseling and listening services (eg coaching, psychological counseling, mentoring); study rooms in each section. -
How much does Collegio cost?
The rates are indicated each year by the Board of Directors of the Collegio and reported in the Admission and Confirmation process.
The annual fee consists of a fee to be paid by Collegio and a fee to be paid by the student.
All students pay special rates, thanks to the ministerial contribution and donations from organizations and individuals. -
What does Collegio of Merit mean?
The Collegio di Merito is more than just a university residence: it offers university students not only a space to live the university years but a real 360 ° experience: opportunities, incentives and rewards for study, integrative and transversal training compared to the university one and a lively and stimulating community, aimed at accompanying the path of the individual student.
It differs from university residences for the range of additional services compared to residential ones, and access is only possible through a selection process based on merit and personal motivation.
The Colleges of Merit are Bodies recognized and accredited by the Ministry of University and Research.