Why support Collegio Einaudi
Because investing in deserving young students, regardless of their economic conditions, is a powerful lever for contributing to the social, economic and cultural growth and improvement of society.
Without the opportunities offered to me by Collegio Einaudi,
I certainly could not have studied Mechanical Engineering in Turin
and I would have taken a different course in my life
How your donation can help
Support merit by participating in the tuition fee reduction fund and institutional activity of Collegio
Support students with awards and scholarships
Support projects for the development and renovation of living spaces for deserving students
How to make a donation
Free donation
by bank transfer: Collegio Universitario Einaudi
IBAN: IT33 U 03069 09606 100000400439
Faith in young people and in the future. A forward-looking choice which can offer great opportunities to those who deserve them.
Collegio Einaudi’s activities

Annual Report academic year 2022-23
The period from 2022 to 2023 saw a wealth of activities and events and the report for the academic year 22/23 covers different milestones in the various areas
Why donate to Collegio?
Because it is an investment in the future.
By supporting the activity of Collegio and the merit of its students, you will contribute to the training of young women and men who are eager and capable of contributing to a profound impact of growth and improvement in the social, economic and cultural dimension of society.
By donating to Collegio, you will make the future community better, of which you too are a part! -
What are the donations collected for?
The destination of donations is always agreed with the donor through direct contact with the staff or by participating in specific fundraising campaigns.
Donations to the Collegio can be aimed at supporting:
1) Awards and scholarships
2) Fund for the reduction of fees
3) Building redevelopment projects
4) Institutional and statutory activity -
How can I donate to Collegio?
It is possible to support Collegio Einaudi
a liberal donation through a bank transfer:
current account in the name of Collegio Universitario di Torino Renato Einaudi
IBAN: IT33 U 03069 09606 100000400439online by participating in our crowdfunding campaigns or by our website
with a gift in the will or with a donation in memory
I would like to make a will in favor of Collegio, what should I indicate in the document?
In drafting the will, which must be written by hand or prepared at a notary, it is necessary to indicate: ‘I leave the following property to Fondazione Collegio Universitario Einaudi and, if desired, you can also indicate one or more destinations, among the following :
1) Awards and scholarships
2) Fund for the reduction of fees
3) Building redevelopment projects
4) Institutional and statutory activity
In the absence of a specific destination, the Collegio Board of Directors will assign the funds with a specific resolution. -
Can donations made to Collegio Einaudi be deducted for tax purposes?
Donations from individuals are not currently deductible.
On the other hand, contributions or donations from legal entities are tax deductible and fall within the provisions of art. 100 paragraph 2 ° letter a) of the D.P.R. 22/12/86 No. 917 and subsequent amendments, within the limit of 2% of the declared business income. -
Who can I contact for information on how to support Collegio?
You can contact Elena Torretta, Head of the Collegio’s Communication and Fundraising Office to the landline number: 011 8126853 or to the mobile phone: 328 8797333 or by email to comunicazione@collegioeinaudi.it
Contact us: