The Collegio Einaudi Foundation offers a wide range of personalized and multidisciplinary educational experiences, complementary to those of university study courses and aimed at supporting students, so that they mature into men and women eager and able to contribute to the social, economic and cultural growth and improvement of society.
An engaging experience
Education at Collegio Einaudi is a transformative experience that, together with community life, contributes to personal growth and prepares for future challenges.
High customization of your learning course
Expert accompaniment along the way by Collegio staff and professional coaches
Transversal skills
Focus on transversal skills that are essential for the future of young people, such as self-awareness, awareness of others and the world
Belonging to a lively community that looks after individuals and the group as a whole, areas where students can share their merit and develop their ambitions.
Training Architecture and
path for the academic year 2024/25
The Collegio formula aims to develop the individual’s awareness on different scales,
combining different elements:

Developing individual potential and fostering one’s mental and physical well-being.

Awareness of OTHERS
Acquire tools for exploring the local area and for of using their resources to benefit the community.

Awareness of the WORLD
Develop values of citizenship and concern for the common good through awareness of social, environmental and economic phenomena.
The fundamentals of your Collegio training
The Collegio Einaudi training experience is highly customizable for each student.
The Venue Director will plan one-to-one meetings with you at the beginning of the academic year, to review your proposed study plan together.
Make your choice, guided by your interests and needs; at the same time, don’t forget that the diversification of activities, focuses and experiences in your study plan is an important value.
When planning your personal study course, be sure to plan at least 70 hours of learning if you are enrolled in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of 1st level degree courses, and at least 25 hours of learning if you are enrolled in the following years.
Do not saturate your minimum amount of training hours with a single long-term training initiative, but prefer the inclusion of several different types of activities, in order to make the training experience as multidisciplinary as possible.
- The training activities planned for A.Y. 2024/25 will take place in attendance, with some exceptions indicated in the Training Platform
- For organizational reasons, some training activities (e.g., activities with a high experiential content such as territorial exploration trails and recreational-sports activities) may be posted on the Training Platform (and notified via newsletter, social channels and telegram) in ‘last-minute’ mode i.e., about 7 days before the start date of the activity itself.
Conversely, the activities originally planned in virtual mode will not undergo changes regarding the delivery method during the year. - Participation in training activities in virtual mode necessarily requires a stable connection to the internet, microphone and video camera turned on.
- The use of the training courses is further regulated by the “PFP Student Regulation” which you can consult – from the moment of notification as winner of the study place – through the Training Platform.

The teaching method
Learning at Collegio Einaudi is achieved through a teaching method that favors 4 factors
learning becomes relevant also to the extent that it encourages the consolidation of specific skills identified at the European level
time to learn is precious time, so we focus the learning experience without sacrificing its intensity
learning is experiencing: that is why we provide times to experiment in the field and to test oneself
Accountability oriented
learning needs motivation: in order to support and grow ones ability to devote oneself to the achievement of learning goals, we provide autonomous moments of in-depth and individual work
Well-being sized
learning promotes individual and the Einaudi community well-being when accompanied by care and respect for one’s own and others’ well-being
Learning Activators
Each training pathway represents an ecosystem of learning that uses variable combinations of activations, including:
Basic Bricks / Fondamentali
Interactive content sharing session, aimed at developing basic knowledge together with experts in the subject.
Trial & Think Lab / Laboratori
A laboratory session, aimed at further supporting the learning process through direct, individual or group experience.
A cup of tea with…/ Ispirazioni
An interactive dialogue session with special guests, aimed at discovering new horizons and questioning our most deeply-rooted ideas..
An unexpected and out-of-the-ordinary experience, aimed at achieving a further level of learning to be discovered together in which individuals and groups collaborate, compete and learn naturally.
What is the PFP?
It is the Collegio’s Personalized Education Plan, which each student and undergraduate defines prior to his or her entry into the Collegio and commits to attend during his or her time at the Collegio.
It consists of a wide range of multidisciplinary training experiences that are complementary to those of college courses.
It has a total duration of 70 hours for students enrolled in bachelor’s degree programs and 25 hours for those enrolled in master’s degree programs. -
Is there a fee for the Collegio training?
No, it is included in the fee
Can I choose the training hours to follow?
It is possible to choose the composition of your PFP but each student of Collegio will have to plan
– 70 hours of training per year for those attending the first 3 years of university
– 25 hours of training per year for those attending the following yearsThe minimum number of training hours is required by ministerial decrees 672 and 673 of 2016.
What is the ultimate goal of the Collegio’s training?
The training of Collegio aims to support female students and university students in becoming People, Citizens, Professionals aware: of their own resources, of the world around them and of their possibility and opportunity to create an impact of growth and improvement at social, environmental and economic.
What kind of training path are foreseen in the PFP?
The PFP includes courses aimed at perfecting the study method, at acquiring self-awareness and one’s own resources, at reinforcing soft skills, at guiding one’s study and work choices, and at reinforcing English language skills, at supporting the own psycho-physical well-being, to explore the territory and generate impact in the reference community.
Any further doubts or questions?
The Training Team is at your disposal for any queries you may have.

Laura Viada Director of Training
Davide Della Rina Training Design Expert
Massimiliano Sebastiani Training Design Expert
Silvia Demaria Community Manager
Stefania Valentino Community Manager
Antonio Francesco Punzo Community Manager
Carolina Sassi Venue Director
Margherita Alberini Community Manager
Lorenzo Sieve Training Design Expert