Collegio Einaudi Residence halls

5 residence halls

located in strategic points of the City of Torino

872 study places

modern and comfortable


CROCETTA residence hall

A few steps from the headquarters
of Politecnico di Torino,
Crocetta is a real university campus


MOLE ANTONELLIANA residence hall

The modern and renewed Mole residence hall
with the making of 148 seats
and new spaces


PO residence hall

In the heart of the city of Torino,
the Po residence hall is a modern
green building, the first renovated
in the university environment


SAN PAOLO residence hall

A 10 minute walk from the venue central
of Politecnico di Torino,
the colorful San Paolo residence hall
is a residence that enjoys of
a particular level of design


VALENTINO residence hall

It is the historic seat of Collegio Einaudi,
which hosted Umberto Eco,
as well as the greenest of the Collegio residence halls

An ecosystem of services

Each Collegio Hall offers residents a wide range of services for a rich and stimulating experience