Board of Directors

Paolo Enrico Camurati President
Tenured Professor of Politecnico di Torino, DAUIN (Department of Control and Computer Engineering)
Appointed by Politecnico di Torino

Barbara Bruschi Vice President
Full Professor of Didactics and Special Pedagogy at the Department of Philosophy and Sc. of Education, University of Turin.
Vice Chancellor for Education at the University of Turin. Nomination of the University of Turin

Alice Colombo Fondazione CRT
Freelance architect, expert in restoration of cultural heritage and management of nonprofit associations, formerly lecturer at ACME – European Academy of Fine Arts Media in Novara
CRT Foundation Nomination

Federico Viano Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo
Governance Area and General Secretariat at the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation
Appointed by Compagnia di San Paolo

Giacomo Pellicciaro Student Representative
Law student
General Director

Andrea Fabbri
General Director of Collegio Einaudi since 2009
Board of Auditors

Emilio Rigault President Board of Auditors
Appointed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance

Giovanni Calvisi
Appointed by the Collegio Assembly
Director of Administration and Finance IN.SAR SpA from 1996 to 2010
He was a Collegio Einaudi student from 1973 to 1976
Since 1989 he has been an Auditor of accounts at Collegio Einaudi

Sara Rossi
Appointed by the Ministry of University and Research
Head of Office IV – Directorate General for Research – National Operational Programmes financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds and Plans and
Programmes financed by the Fund for Development and Cohesion (FSC) and the Rotation Fund, within the framework of cohesion policy.

The Assembly of Collegio is made up of the Institutional Founders and Contributors. Public or private entities and individuals who support it financially for the achievement of their statutory purposes are Contributors to Collegio, without binding the donation to specific projects promoted by Collegio.
Student Council
Delegates of Crocetta residence hall

Luca Agostino

Marco Boi
Delegates of Mole Antonelliana residence hall

Federico Graziato

Alice Pizzorno
Delegates of Po residence hall

Aurora Arduino

Gaia Perillo
Delegates of San Paolo residence hall

Andrea Zanetti

Paolo Malcangi
Delegates of Valentino residence hall

Emanuela Imperiale