Information relating to grants, contributions, paid assignments and in any case economic benefits of any kind received from public bodies and companies, pursuant to Law 124/17 (Article 1, cc 125 et seq.)
Quality Policy
The commitment of Collegio Einaudi is aimed at researching and ensuring quality along all internal and external processes involved in its system and organizational model.
To implement the Quality Policy and give adequate guarantee to the interested parties that all activities are governed, under control and constantly improved, the Collegio Einaudi, in accordance with the provisions of the MIUR with the D.D.M.M. nos. 672 and 673, has implemented a Quality Management System, extended to all its five operating offices, in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard.
The Collegio Einaudi obtained in December 2017 the ISO9001: 2015 Quality Certification for the areas relating to the Management of the Recruitment and Management Processes of Students and the Management of the Planning and Delivery Processes of Training Activities.
Statements and descriptive reports sent to the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies