The INPS call for applications “University Colleges a.y. 2021/2022” has been published. The call is n favor of children or orphans and equivalent:
– of those enrolled in the Italian unitary management of services credit and social;
– of retired users of Italian Employee Management Public;
– of those enrolled in the Italian Magistral Assistance Management;
– of the members of the Italian Ipost Fund.
We inform you that only the winners who participated in our admission process (with deadline 3 August 2021) can access the Collegio Einaudi Foundation.
Therefore, for those interested in participating in the INPS call and in choosing Collegio Einaudi, they must participate in both the INPS call and our admission process, respecting the respective deadlines.
Go to the INPS call page
For current Collegio Einaudi students
If you intend to participate in the INPS call and you are the winner, Collegio will proceed to recalculate your annual contribution on the basis of the percentages provided for in the INPS call itself, possibly reimbursing the extra amount paid.
If you have already won an INPS benefit in previous years, as required by the same call, you do not need to participate in the competition. For the procedures for renewing the benefit and for any request for information, doubt or clarification, it is suggested that you read the Notice carefully and, if necessary, contact the Social Security Institution.