What is the PFP?
It is the Collegio’s Personalized Training Plan, which each student draws upon entering Collegio and which they undertake to attend for the entire academic year.
The Collegio Einaudi Foundation offers a wide range of multidisciplinary training experiences, complementary to those of university courses.
Taking part in the learning paths at Collegio Einaudi is a dense and engaging experience that is characterized by:
• the high level of personalization of one’s learning path
• expert accompaniment along the way by Collegio staff and professional coaches
• the focus on transversal skills that cannot be renounced for young people who intend to guide their own idea of the future such as Self-Awareness, the Other and the World
• belonging to a living community attentive to self-care, the group and the wider community as areas in which to share one’s merit and cultivate / grow one’s ambitions