Article VI – Budget available to the Student Council
VI.1. The board of directors of the Collegio, upon approval of the budget, annually assigns to the student council an amount to be allocated to purchases of various kinds and to educational, cultural, sporting and recreational initiatives of general or specific interest for each individual section . These expenses must be made during the academic year and under the direct responsibility of the proposing delegates who will have the material availability of money and will be jointly responsible for the custody of the same.
VI.2. Decisions regarding the use of the budget are made independently by the student council, subject to verification by the section director that they do not conflict with the statutory purposes. At the end of each academic year, the delegates of each dection in consultation with the section director must present to the general management a detailed account of the expenses incurred and the management of the takings.
VI.3. Although the operational responsibilities for carrying out these activities are the responsibility of the student council, all study place holders must be guaranteed the opportunity to participate in the choice of activities to be carried out and above all to their full use.
VI.4. All study place holders are guaranteed, in any case, the possibility to advance at any time, through their delegates, proposals regarding training, cultural, sporting and recreational activities not otherwise provided, for which the Collegio is called to to sustain some organisational expense or duty. Each proposal is examined by the general management in terms of compliance with the statutory purposes and feasibility; if it meets the aforementioned requirements, it is brought into discussion and approval by the competent bodies.